Category Archives: Uncategorized
What Happens In Psychoanalytic Treatment?
What happens in psychoanalytic treatment? How is it different from behavioral type therapy? Why does it take a long time? And why is it often so hard for people to benefit? What is the reason for taking a journey inside? … Continue reading
Let’s Fall In Love: The Role of Love and Curiosity in Deepening the Treatment
“Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism.” – Freud (Standard Edition, XIV, On Narcissism, p 98) Those of us who do psychoanalytic work are privileged, challenged, subjected to, and expected to experience … Continue reading
How “Talking About It” Can Transform One’s Spirit
How can simply talking have transformative power? To really speak freely, and to be heard in the way a psychoanalyst works, allows a person to discover themselves. It can be surprising… A ball player having a slump started talking to … Continue reading
The craving for safety.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s death has cast a spotlight on the nationwide prevalence of heroin use and abuse. One aspect of the craving, or addiction to opiates that has not been stressed so far in the psychoanalytic literature is the psychic … Continue reading
Psychoanalysis! Is that still around? I thought it was dead.
Who can afford to go lie on a couch five times a week where the shrink hardly speaks and nothing happens! And wasn’t Freud proven wrong anyway – they should have called him Fraud. Also, I’ve heard that it’s painful. … Continue reading
What’s it all about?
Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy – or psychoanalytic work as I refer to it – is a method of self exploration – finding out how we tick by looking inside. This does not mean that the ‘outside’ is not important – but … Continue reading